
Guard Shacks
North Gate 714-897-5027

South Gate 714-894-0726

Orange County Sheriff Dispatch 714-647-7000

Sheriff’s Blotter – Sheriff dispatch calls by city

Stanton Crime Mapping

Cardinal Properties

3111 N. Tustin Ave.
Suite 200
Orange, Ca 92865

Phone: 800-400-6686 or 714-779-1300
Fax: 714-779-3400
E-mail Cardinal at contactus@cardinal-online.com
HOA Portal

NOTICE– please be advised that this website will be going away after September 1, 2025 and that all Association documents and information can be viewed/assessed by logging in to your homeowner portal at www.cardinal-online.com.

You can now sign up for email alerts when the previous Board meeting minutes are posted to the website, and / or when the agenda for the upcoming Board meeting is posted.   Click here.